There’s Something Barry Told Me

Barry is a dude. He’s a good mensch.

He’s in his 70s but when you meet him and talk to him, even in his eyes, his spirit is that of a youthful soul, someone in his 20s.

He’s chatty and somewhat impish, but not too impish.

His mind is clear and he is very well-heeled on the machinations of this country’s Socialist/Communist/Hard Left.

He was kicked out of the Communist Party for questioning the party line. i.e. He thinks for himself.

“It’s My Politics”

He said PH was a Totalitarian Leninist. He also said MK was a Trotskyist.

To me, it went straight over my head with a “whoosh!”.

To me these are Old men from the Communist era who are long since dead.

The brief explanation I received on Totalitarianism from PH herself was that Totalitarianism means there is a reliance on the state for everything, as long as the state administration is staffed with good people, the system can work.

A rudimentary search [Google] turned up this:


In other words: The Surveillance State.

State sanctioned paranoia and sociopathy.

[The great thing about theism, at least from a Muslim perspective, is that God or Source or the Preserver or Caretaker of Mankind is not a human being who can claim moral superiority over you.

To do that would be the height of arrogance.

To believe in another’s opinion as being higher than your own judgement is subjugation of free-will.]



Relying on hints and inferring that the person who didn’t take the hint as stupid is actually an indicator of a narcissistic personality.* i.e. Needing and wanting to feel more intelligent than those around you. So they spin a web of lies that is difficult to keep up with or see through.

The thing is, responsible people, who think for themselves and take responsibility for their decisions, don’t jump to conclusions or make accusations based on third-party speculation or here say. That’s why I kept out of engaging with PH on AC’s feelings.

*I’ve been watching a lot of crime docu-dramas recently.

The Check List

Loony Left?


Ukip of the Left? As in White people condescending to Brown people, putting on the veneer of decency while supporting Nationalistic Socialism [Naziism/White Supremacy]?


Surveillance state?


So… kinda like what we have in place right now.

Barry, I wish I had listened to you and done my own research back then. I noticed how after I had asked PH about Leninism and Totalitarianism how she tried to distance both her and myself away from you.

About factsarecrucial

I like to write what I think about things that interest me. I'm full of opinions and questions so you might just enjoy and appreciate what I have to say.
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