Caged Children in the United States of America What’s going on in the United States is some concentration camp shit. I’m not surprised the US governement have done this/are doing this. What would be more surprising and dumbfounding would be an apathetic reaction from the … Continue reading

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A Powerful Piece He Wrote

[Don’t know if you hate this blog or who I am so I won’t name you in case you feel like the shine is taken off you from it. Plenty people acted that way before so this is my precautionary measure.]
As a video conveying the message about culture: This is impactful.
To me it brings out how black people are only valued in American society if they are entertainers.
The pressure black people are under not to make ANY mistakes.
Also, I saw how exploitation of black culture can be used to give the impression of progressive cutlure; but those who aren’t successful or wealthy due to the discrimination faced in the job market, are marginalised to the point where you have to commit crime to survive. Or at least be tempted to.
Exploitation of black lives does still exist.
All the good and all the joy that we make is made hollow by the superficial level of consumption of black culture. And destroyed by marginalised people. And in another way, like the Charleston Church Massacre of 2015.
I knew this was deep.
All the while we have to keep our heads above water.
The fear that laced the dance like poison. One false move…
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Intimidation Phase 1

The armed police are still in Manchester.

Regardless of what the Metro published on Wednesday.

This morning they mostly kept to themselves.

Then I’m on King Street, walking up.

2 officers round the corner.

The elder male of the 2 making it seem as if he’s looking over to his right and looking at the buildings.

I know police can be sneaky when they want to be.


I’m not a threat to you.

If you’re going to arrest me for writing the truth, go ahead.

Don’t buzz around me and or stalk me when I’m on my way to work.

Either you’re trying to be a witness in case something pops off; or you’re trying to harrass or intimidate me.

I take too much shit in my daily life to give you reason to lock me up.

You ever heard the saying, “The pen is mightier than the sword”?

That’s what I’m doing: Non-violent protest/I’m a Conscientious Objector.

I’m not invading countries.

I’m not a suicide bomber.

I’m not raping women and children in third world countries.

But maybe it was the freak-out of the last piece that had you justifying me being followed.

Maybe you think it’s ok to have a near miss with a trigger happy police officer.

I don’t.

And yes, as much as I try to maintain my cool, it freaks me out that you could kill me and get away with it.

Don’t treat me as if I’m the one being unreasonable.

Guns and violence will not solve this.

So take your bullshit out of Manchester.


I guess I’m going to have to take a new way into work.

Change it up so they have a harder time tracking me.

Posted in "Power Centres", Activism, Being Stalked, Civil Liberties, Culture of Activism in Media, Gender Politics, Geo Politics, Minority Hatred, Politics UK | Leave a comment

The Guns Don’t Work; They Just Make You Worse

This is a long read. There are different perspectives and through the whole piece, I’m working through the fear I have and somehow looking for hope and a resolution to move forwards.

I thought about what to write tomorrow.

I figured a week after where people were looking for answers and easy solutions, may be a good time to talk about the principles I grew up with Up North and the practical actions to ensure we are not overrun with hate and violence.

Only God is the best of judges. Not a human among us can do the same as God. So revenge isn’t even on the table for me.

But then this instance of unnecessaary, senseless and ignorant anger I saw today informed me of the climate of fear. And the Militarisation of Manchester.


Armed police don’t make me feel safe.

I walk in defiance, but then I hear her voice in my head, asking me to take leave from work so that I don’t have to go into Manchester in case I get shot or blown up and come back home in a body bag.

To the officer who saw my face and got angry this morning, you need to understand that not everyone respects your authoritah. You’re a human with an instrument of murder in your hands.

Nothing to be proud of in and of itself.

For those who blindly believe the authority and goodness of the “security forces” read this. I remember reading this and hearing about this on the news back when I was at uni.

On a notional level: The only reason you’re here is to make a show of power, that the government is doing something to combat terrorism.

On a practical level: You’re here to make sure that if anything else happens, you can quickly and swiftly execute the perpetrator, so that no questions are asked and no trial can take place.

“It were a Muzza but we got ‘im. …innit.”

And if you’re angry at a Muslim/Asian woman for not cowering or smiling at you; you need to ask yourself what kind of person would cower and smile.

It’s called Stockholm Syndrome.

Don’t think that your aggression can beat me down into submission. I don’t believe in your supremacy.

I do not bow to humans.

Use your brain before you get angry, and we might not have another senseless killing to mourn, from your itchy trigger finger.


For those of you who think I’m angry, I’m not. I’m sad and seeking hope.

I already know what I would do, if I were able to wield any useful influence in politics, to seek truth and justice. And ultimately closure for the attack on Manchester last week.

Once you understand why somebody hurt you, it hurts less. Doesn’t make it right. But it hurts less.

There’s a part of me that knows that I will not be listened to and this government will keep on perpetuating the cycle of violence and fear.

There’s a part of me that wants to reach out and give you hope.

As it stands right now, we haven’t gone to shit.

All it takes is better judgement than before, that way we are moving forwards.

We need a proper investigation and trial in the UK.

I’m guessing he’ll be deported by PM May.

He needs to face the families that are left behind.

Should I write? Should I not write?

Those lyrics come back to me.

“It’s so loud inside my head with words that I should have said.

As I drown in my regrets, I can’t take back the words I never said.”

I don’t want to get pulled into politics. I am humanist.

Politics devoid of any connection with the best of human compassion is worthless.

Or if it’s connected to false-face humanism – Tony Blair, War Criminal Not Yet Apprehended

It’s just words from politicians at this point. Some comforting. Some disconcerting.

At the same time I can’t stand back and let the idiot war machine take yet more victims, whether it’s “ours” or “theirs”.

Every innocent slain is a tragedy. Every adult forced to fight is a tragedy.

I remember us when we didn’t allow this on our neighbours.

Back when we didn’t have to live in this fear.

Do you remember?

We can’t go backwards.

But we can go “home”, to where we used to be as a City. And just be.

Remember when we had a Peace Garden?

Some people think it takes an enormous effort to change, but all it takes is to recognise the key principles that serves all of humanity (Gods’ Wonderous Variety as I like to see it) and commit to them.

Actively live with compassion, respect and seek the objective truth in all things.

We’ve got a chance of surviving this. And thriving.


And before a certain section of you call me a terrorist for advocating peace, my weapon of choice is the pen, my bullets are questions that challenge your bullshit.

Is it really peace if it came at the cost of an innocents’ life?

Even if you want war, murder and segregation in the name of the slain, a) the families don’t want that and b) you become the terrorist.

We need justice. Habeas Corpus. Observe the Geneva Convention even if the jurisdiction does not ” traditionally” apply.

We need every MP and every Human Rights lawyer we can find.

Posted in "Power Centres", Activism, Children, Child Protection, Civil Liberties, Culture of Activism in Media, Equality and Religion, Gender Politics, Geo Politics, Minority Hatred, Politics UK, Women | Leave a comment

Pray For Manchester

Cooler heads prevail. I could tell you about my thought processes today but everyone has their own thought process. What’s the point? Maybe you can be reassured by it. Others may take offence that I’m not baying for the blood … Continue reading

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Goodwill To All Men And One Massive Punch Up

When I heard the place name Woking, I remembered, “Brighton for the newly wed; Worthing for the nearly dead.” Some guy told me that years ago.

Though, if you are of a more cynical mindset, I suppose it may be much of a muchness either way.

“No, that’s not it. And they are both coastal towns/cities where people chill.”

Turns out there was a massive brawl involving up to 100 people… on Christmas Eve and into Christmas Morning, in Woking.

“Lol, whut?”

“Ok, so it’s Woking. Must be mainly white people.”

According to news reports, they were pelting police officers with coins.

“Ok. Mainly white people with disposable income.” [(glib)Maybe this was an attempt to pay off the police.]

If this involved mainly black people, it would be called a riot.

If this involved ANY Muslims, or Muslim immigrants, it would be called a terror attack.

Ain’t nobody taking issue with the race of the participants, which only confirms it was white people.

“Dude, what are you so angry about?”

I am fascinated to know what exactly started this fight.

Were they fighting over petty pride or were they actually protecting someone?

Or was it a gangland feud?


All that I know is that a great number of people had a huge massive fight at what is usually the most peaceful time of year for this country.

That, and the juxtaposition between my chilled Christmas and this fight; was hilarious.

It was the lemon sauce that cut through the heaviness of the cream.

It was just the activity to disrupt the programming:- “Peace and goodwill towards all men.”

I appreciate it for what it is to me. But I’m still curious to know why.

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Football + Little Man Syndrome = Unhappiness

There is a sub-culture of football hooliganism. It’s where emotionally wounded people live vcariously through the perceived magnificence of people who train semi-hard to kick a football. Oh, and there’s an alleged paedophile ring.

[Why do you put up with institutionalised paedophilia, and at the same time accuse Muslims of that, as if it’s a Muslim disease?]

Often times the self-hatred and anger at their parents rises to the surface. They hit someone because someone else hurt their fragile ego.

Or they hurt a woman because they resent their own mother. Who knows? Maybe she molested him and that’s why he hates her.

Like in this case today:

A lot of bullshit is bandied about when it comes to immigration. Syrian refugees who are fleeing their country that the British helped destroy; were slandered when this happened:

Imagine if you had nothing but your life and the clothes on your back; and the only people who could help you, don’t because they suspect you of… being a pederast like Jimmy Saville, and you 100% aren’t, how the hell would you feel?

But when it comes to immigrants or migration having a negative impact on our country; how about addressing this case today.

Why not tell them, “If you can’t behave we’ll deport all of you.”

I know why, because it’s not fair to the rest of the group.

I see.

Glaring discrepancy, you have there.


You get my point?

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Hur-hur, You Neva!?

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  When I heard the news that Donald Trump won the US Elections, I laughed. I did not disbelieve it for one second. Nor did I despair. But it is awfully funny. You really did it! America, you really did … Continue reading

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US Election: Addendum

Just because I made a prediction about the US Election doesn’t mean that is the outcome I want.

A certain somebody was being a joker saying how Donald Trump was his favourite candidate.

He was winding sombody else up.

The candidate I wanted to win was neither of the ones standing for the two main parties.

[There are other parties, you know.]

[You could do something radical and vote for them, instead.]



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U.S. 2016 Election Prediction

Hilary Clinton – Win

Donald Trump was a ringer from the get-go.

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